Year 5
Welcome to Year 5. Our class teacher is Mrs Hanley and our support staff are Mrs Adderley and Mr Peltier.
Spring Term
Our key texts this term are:

As readers, we are learning to rehearse responses before writing them. We are exploring how we can explain how a piece of evidence supports a point. We are learning that narratives are not always written chronologically.
As writers, we are learning to write a synopsis of a Shakespearian play. We are learning to write concisely in the third person and select vocabulary precisely to convey meaning.
As mathematicians, we are learning to multiply up to a 4-digit number by a 1-digit number and Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number using formal methods.
As scientists, we are exploring the changes as humans develop to old age. We are learning about the changes experienced in puberty and working scientifically by researching the gestation periods of other animals and comparing them with humans.
As theologists, we are looking at the question ‘What do Christians believe Jesus did to ‘save’ people?’ Making clear connections between the Christian belief in Jesus’ death as a sacrifice and how Christians celebrate Holy Communion/Lord’s Supper.
As geographers, we are learning to use maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to locate countries and describe features studied
As historians, we are exploring the significant events in the Maya’s history, answering the question, what did the Maya invent? And Comparing location, settlement, people, culture and invention between Anglo-Saxons and Maya.
Curriculum Maps - 2024/25
Home Reading
We choose our own Accelerated reader books and aim to read them at home 5 nights a week. When we finish our book, we can take a quiz either at home or at school. So far this year as a class, we have read:
Our target is:
8,000,000 words
Dojo points:
The children work incredibly hard each week outside and inside of school to earn Dojo points. Children who earn a total of 50 points per week are rewarded with Golden Time on a Friday afternoon. Points are allocated for effort in class, being kind to others, attendance, correct uniform, reading at home and completing homework. Please help to support your child in reaching their goal of 50 points!
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