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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.


A welcome from the Head Teacher.


My name is Miss Perrett and I am extremely proud to be the head teacher of St Mary’s Primary School.  Everyday I see our children enjoy their learning and achieving increasingly well. Every day I see the staff working their socks off to make that learning enjoyable and helping pupils to achieve their best.

As a school we are committed to working closely with our parents to ensure that our partnership work benefits the children.  Our staff have high expectations, they work incredibly hard and are committed to making sure every child at St Mary’s fulfils their potential and that no one is left behind.


One of our strongest characteristics is that we are a nurturing school, confident in our ability to ensure that all children can learn despite what life throws at them.  Over the past few years there have been many positive changes to our learning environment, in our organisation and in the learning opportunities we offer. We welcome new changes and new developments, but at the same time we are constantly aware that we must not lose sight of the basic skills that children need and the importance of their personal development and well-being. We are ambitious in what we want for our children.


St. Mary’s is a truly caring school based on our school vision;


          -To promote generosity of spirit, understanding and tolerance….

          -instil strong values to guide our decision making….

          -foster a sense of worth, strength and identity as part of our school family ….

         -create responsible role models to build successful communities of the future.…

        -inspire those around us to try something new;

                         Dream, believe and achieve


Life at St Mary’s is always busy and active, and pupils have many diverse opportunities and experiences throughout the school year. We aim to excite and motivate our children to want to learn and achieve.


Our children are the very best thing about our school. Come and see for yourself or give us a call to find out more.


Miss Sarah Perrett



A welcome from the Chair of Governors


Dear Parents/Carers


Firstly, I would like to welcome everyone to the St Mary’s school community. 


On the Governing Body, we have:

The Headteacher

A Governor appointed by the Local Authority

Five Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese

The Staff Governor appointed by the staff.


A School Governing Body has three core functions:

 -  Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

 -  Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the

     school and its pupils, and the performance management of the staff, and

 -  Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it uses it’s money wisely.


We meet four times a year as a full governing body and we visit school regularly as part of our monitoring roles.


If you have any concerns that you would like to discuss with the governing body, I can be contacted through the school. I am always happy to meet with parents and want to ensure that your views are known and taken account of in any decisions that are made.


With best wishes

Val Houghton