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St Mary's CofE (VA) Primary School home page

St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

On this page you will find a variety of services that offer support locally, nationally and online.


The expectations these days are too self refer and self-access the agencies online or virtually. 


As a school, we take mental health and wellbeing very seriously and we are leading the way in highlighting this area. We are proud to announce we now have 7 members of staff who are now accredited in Youth Mental Health First Aid. We are also working towards a Wellbeing award, which will demonstrate how wellbeing and mental health in our pupils, staff and parents are at the forefront of our school's vision of leading a mentally healthy school.


If you would like to talk to one of our mental health first aiders, Mrs Jones,  Mrs Reaney, Mrs Mills, Miss Bryan and Miss Heeley, please call the school office to book an appointment.