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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

Kidderminster Early Years Language Class (KEYLC)

Kidderminster Early Years Language Class (KEYLC) is a specialist nursery provision for children with speech, language and communication needs across Wyre Forest.


Children are referred to KEYLC by a Speech and Language Therapist and usually attend the setting for two terms (approx. 6 months). Children who attend KEYLC are between 3-5 years old.


Aim of KEYLC:

Kidderminster Early Years Language Class opened in January 2022 and we are extremely proud of the specialist provision. Language skills are essential in all aspects of life, so the earlier we can support your child, the better. Our aim is to provide children with the support they need to make rapid progress with their speech and language disorder and/or delay in time for them to start their mainstream Reception class. Language is fundamental in understanding all areas of the curriculum, so supporting children with this during the Early Years is extremely beneficial



Miss Perrett - Headteacher

Mrs Hughes - KEYLC Teacher

Mrs White - KEYLC Teaching Assistant

Miss Heeley - SENCo

Liz – Speech and Language Therapist

Ellenor – Speech and Language Therapist

Jenny – Speech and Language Therapist Assistant


What days will my child need to attend KEYLC?

Children are offered two sessions a week over two mornings or afternoons. Each session lasts 3 hours. There are a maximum of 8 children in each group.


 Session OneSession Two
Group OneTuesday - 8:45am -11:45amThursday - 8:45am - 11:45am
Group TwoTuesday - 12:15pm - 3:15pmThursday 12:15pm - 3:15pm
Group ThreeMonday - 8:45am -11:45amFriday - 8:45am -11:45am


What activities will my child do at KEYLC?

Children work regularly, on a 1:1 basis, with a Speech and Language Therapist. The Speech and Language Therapist will do lots of fun and engaging activities with the children and assess their speech and language. The Speech Therapist shares this information with Mrs Hughes so that the classroom can be set up daily to maximise your child’s progress. The children participate in a range of focused whole group activities, such as Concept Cat and Teaching Children to Listen. They also have lots of time to learn through play.

Useful Links:

Kidderminster Early Years Language Class builds strong relationships with both the children’s parents/carers and the children’s mainstream settings to ensure everyone is working together.


If you have any queries please do not hesitate to email: