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St Mary's CofE (VA) Primary School home page

St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

***Reception - September 2024***

We are pleased to welcome you and your child to St. Mary’s CE (VA) Primary School and look forward to working with you.


We understand that starting school can feel like a big change and would like to invite you to a parents and carers meeting on Thursday 6th June at 4pm. We kindly ask that no children attend this meeting, however if you have childcare concerns, please get in touch so we can support you.


During the meeting, we will share with you the new uniform, day to day routines, curriculum information and transition dates for your child. You will also have the opportunity to meet your child’s class teacher and have a look around their classroom and outdoor learning area.


You will also need to complete admissions forms as soon as possible. You should have received a copy of these along with a welcome letter on 16th April. If you have not received these forms, please contact the school office. Please note these forms are different from our nursery forms so will need to be completed, even if your child attends our nursery. 


We look forward to meeting you on Thursday 6th June at 4pm.



Physical development is a key area of learning in Nursery and Reception.


Every child will be taking part in physical activity every day and therefore the uniform in EYFS is a relaxed version of the school uniform.


Uniforms consists of:


- Red t-shirt (logo or plain)

- Blacks joggers, leggings, shorts

- Red jumper, cardigan or fleece (logo or plain)

- Comfortable black shoes or trainers 


We kindly ask that the shoes your child wears are robust and comfortable as children have access to bikes and scooters throughout the day. There will be no PE kit in EYFS.