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St Mary's CE Primary School

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Year 1


Year 1 have had a brilliant final half-term together! Everyone has worked really hard and have shown lots of maturity in their approach to learning.


In maths, we have learnt about numbers to 100 and can partition numbers into tens and ones. We have also spent lots of time learning about money and now recognise all coins and notes. This gave us opportunities to discuss how we use money in real life! Our last topic in maths this year was time. We have tried really hard to learn to tell the time to o’clock and half past the hour. This has been tricky, but we’ve shown fantastic resilience!




In English we started the term with an experience lesson where we tasted lots of fruit from the rainforest and watched videos where we could hear the sounds of the rainforest. We then used our senses to come up with adjectives to help us write a setting description. Then, we have been writing instructions to teach people how to make a jam sandwich. We enjoyed this because we got to make (and eat) jam sandwiches in class! Then, we used time connectives, imperative verbs and adverbs. We have made so much progress with our writing this year and are very proud of ourselves!


We have read lots of books in Year 1 this half-term. We are a class of book lovers! Our favourites have been George’s Marvellous Medicine, And Tango Makes Three, The Lion Inside, We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and The Proudest Blue. Keep up the hard work reading at home Year 1 you are reading superstars!


In science, we have been revisiting our learning about plants and trees. We have lots of knowledge now and even grew our own sunflowers and cress! We went on a trip to Bodenham Arboretum to learn more about plants and trees. We had the most amazing time and really impressed the Forest School staff with our knowledge, listening skills and maturity. After all the learning, we spent the afternoon in forest school building dens, playing in the mud kitchen, drawing face paint with mud, making leaf rubbings and toasting bread on the fire. It was a wonderful day, and the children were brilliant.


In history, we have been learning about Neil Armstrong and Mae Jemison. We enjoyed discussing the impact they have made in their lives and the legacies they have left behind. We then made rockets out of ‘junk’ which was great fun and let us show off our creative sides!

This half-term, we enjoyed a wonderful sports day! The children showed fantastic sportsmanship and loved cheering their friends on. Thank you to the parents/carers and wider families who came along to support our sports day. We had a fantastic afternoon!

Another thank you is needed to parents/carers for coming to our attendance workshop. The children had a fantastic time decorating biscuits with their grown-ups! Well done for the improvement in attendance this year!


It has been a real pleasure to teach your children this year. Myself, Miss Meakin, Mrs Bolton and Miss Harvey are incredibly proud of every one of you. You are all superstars and I know you will make a fantastic Year 2 class with your independence, maturity and kindness. Keep being your fantastic selves!