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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

School Uniform

(Uniform for Nursery and Reception can be found click here)


Uniform - Year 1 - 6

 Our School Uniform               School Uniform                            

White Polo Shirt (with or without logo)

Red Jumper, Cardigan, Sweatshirt or Fleece (with or without logo)

Black Trousers, Skirt or Pinafore

Black Shoes (no boots or trainers)

Red & white checked dresses in summer


PE Uniform

To be worn on your child’s PE day only


Red T-Shirt (with or without logo)

Black joggers, shorts or leggings

Red jumper, cardigan, sweatshirt, fleece or hoodie

Black trainers or pumps


Available from


10% discount code (can be used until 24th June 2024)       


At the start of the summer term, a questionnaire was sent to parents/carers and pupils to gain their views of our school uniform. Below is an overview of the results. We hope to share our new uniform by June 2024.