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St Mary's CE Primary School

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Free School Meals Applications

Free School Meals

Are you Eligible?

You may be eligible for free school meals if your child attends a state school, and you must be receiving one or more of the following:

  • Income Support 
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance 
  • Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act, 1999 
  • Child Tax Credit, and your annual income is less than £16,190 
  • Guaranteed Pension Credit 
  • Income-based Employment and Support Allowance 
  • Working Tax Credit run-on 
  • Universal Credit, and your annual household income is £7,400 per annum (£616 per month) or less after tax, and not including any benefits.

If your child is currently receiving free school meals, and the above criteria no longer apply, your child’s eligibility is protected, and they will continue to receive free school meals until the end of the Universal Credit Roll Out. The Government has currently scheduled no earlier than July 2023 for the protection period to end. This could be longer and will depend on your child’s current year group.

Please submit an online application via the link below to apply and to register your details with us so that we can keep in touch with any updates.