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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4. Our class teacher is Mrs Taylor and our support staff are Mrs Heaselgrave and Mrs Workman.


Spring Term

Our key texts this term are:



As writers, we are learning to use the past tense and write in the third person. We are learning to use editing strategies.


As mathematicians, we are learning how to multiply and divide two and three digit numbers by a single digit. We are learning to calculate area by counting squares.


As scientists, we are learning about teeth and eating. We are learning about the digestive system and how it works. We are learning about food chains.


As theologists, we are learning about what it means to be a Hindu in Britain today. We are learning how Hindus show their faith within their community and visit a place of worship.


Curriculum Maps - 2024/25



Home Reading

We choose our own Accelerated reader books and aim to read them at home 5 nights a week. When we finish our book, we can take a quiz either at home or at school. So far this year as a class, we have read:


3,455,571 words

Our target was:

3,000,000 words

BUT....We have exceeded that so our NEW target is:

5,000,000 words

Well done Year 4!!! Keep Reading smiley


Useful Information

- Our PE days are Mondays and Thursdays.

- Our music lesson is every Monday.

- Homework is set on a Monday and must be returned by Friday.


Picture Gallery 2024/25