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St Mary's CE Primary School

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Year 4

Year 4 have really enjoyed the last few weeks of term.


From exploring the wonders of the Hive library in Worcester to speeding away on a train and hiking for miles in the woods, we have had an adventurous end to the term.

We are incredibly proud of the accomplishments of the children this year. They have amazed all the staff with their excellent behaviour, respect and determination. They have exceeded in many areas, such as reading an astonishing 6.2 million words between them this year, hiking almost 4 miles in the heat and competing in sports competitions. 


They have made a number of special memories that we hope they will look back on with fondness in later life. 


We hope that they return in year 5 ready to continue working hard, learning and having fun.

Have a fantastic summer everyone.


  • Miss Vale, Mr Peltier, Mrs Adderley