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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

Transition Days

Transition Session


Next week, your child is welcome to come in for a short transition session. This will be particularly useful for any children who have not been in school since March due to COVID.


The sessions are aimed at giving children a chance to experience the routines in place to keep them safe when returning to school (such as social distancing on entry/exit, washing hands and temperature checking on arrival etc). The sessions will also allow children to see their new teacher/classroom.

They will take part in a few small activities and best of all have a FREE BURGER or HOT DOG and drink at the end.

When / Where

Bring your child to the Stoney Lane entrance at 11.00am and collect them from there at 1.00pm.

They will not need to bring anything.

Wednesday 26th August:

(if your child will be in these classes in September)

Thursday 27th August



Year 1

Year 2

Year 4

Year 3

Year 5

Year 6


How to confirm

Send a text to the office saying YES if you would like your child to attend the 2-hour session. We look forward to seeing you all again!