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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.


Our nurture group, The Hive, is a small class of up to 6 children and is a continuation of our inclusive, nurturing ethos across school. It is a place of learning and enables pupils to access a highly personalised curriculum whilst remaining in a supportive, structured environment.


The Hive follows a set timetable with clear boundaries so the children feel safe and secure. This enables pupils to improve their emotional well-being, self-esteem and sense of belonging to our school. It is based upon the Six Principles of Nurture:


1.       Children's learning is understood developmentally

2.       The classroom offers a safe base

3.       The importance of nurture for the development of well-being

4.       Language is a vital means of communication

5.       All behaviour is communication

6.       The importance of transition in children's lives


The children that currently attend our nurture group, are all in receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and require a highly individualised curriculum. Each pupil is taught 1:1 by either the teacher or Learning Mentor throughout the day to focus on their specific needs and targets and as a small group to help them to develop key skills to support reintegration into class, for example:


  • To engage
  • To settle
  • To listen
  • To concentrate
  • To share and take turns
  • To accept losing a game
  • To build friendship with their classmates
  • Gives opportunities to talk about and understand their feelings
  • To experience and practice the development of positive relationship


Please ask Miss Perrett (headteacher) or Miss Heeley (SENDCo) if you would like to find out more.