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St Mary's CE Primary School

Everyone learning, everyone succeeding.

Reception and Year 1

Regular reading at home is another way you can support your child to become a confident, fluent reader.  There are two strands to this:


Listening to your child read

Each week your child will have two books to read at home


1. A book matched to their reading level

This book will be a Read Write Inc phonics book matched to children's phonics level.  Reading this book at home will help your child become more fluent and confident at decoding words and develop their comprehension skills.

Encourage your child to read this book independently and ask questions about the book and talk lots about the story to deepen comprehension and understanding.  Your child will have a bookmark with their reading books with a selection of questions you can use to support with this.

We ask that you find a few minutes ideally every day but as a minimum, three times a week, to hear them read their RWI books and then talk to them about what they have read. 


2. A read to me book

This book will be a book that your child has selected from their class library.  Encourage children to either read this book independently to you or read the book to them.  Discuss the characters and settings of the story or make predictions about what might happen next.  As children become more independent readers they may wish to read quietly to themselves - try to ask them some questions about what they have read using their bookmark to help.


Access to the Read Write Inc. Phonics eBook Library at home


In addition to this you will also have received a letter and a code detailing how to access the Read Write Inc. Phonics eBook Library at home. If you need another copy printing please ask the class teacher and they will be happy to help.

We will be using an online eBook library to set your child reading practice to do at home each week.

Your child will be given a username and a password so that they can access their own personal student area on Once they have logged in, your child can complete their homework by going to the homework tab:

In the homework area, your child will find an eBook which has been assigned to them to read. Your child will already have read this story three times in class with their reading teacher, so they should be able to read the story confidently.